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Planned Pethood Clinic

Our goal at Planned Pethood Clinic is to prevent the births of animals that would end up at animal shelters, pounds, or abandoned at dumpsters.  Every year cats, dogs, puppies, and kittens are killed because they do not have a home. That is why Planned Pethood Clinic is available to all pet owners, rescue organizations, and shelters - without geographical or income restrictions.

Our Services

Spay or Neuter

Spay/neuter is the humane solution to pet overpopulation

  • Male Cat Neuter: $105

  • Female Cat Spay: $125

  • Male Dog Neuter: $125 up to 60#, $140 over 60#, $175 over 100#

  • Female Dog Spay:  $125 up to 60#, $140 over 60#, $175 over 100#

  • Hernia repair: $25 - $30

  • Spay neuter prices include post-surgery pain injections for cats and take-home pain medication for dogs.

(Add microchipping to any service for only $20)

Information For Surgery Patients

Check in from 7:45 am to 8:45 am

Check out the same day from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Cats must be in a carrier

Dogs must be on a leash

Cardboard pet carriers available for $10 

Outside Cats, Barn Cats, and Feral Cats Spay/Neuter Special

$52 includes spay/neuter, rabies vaccine, pain medication & ear tip.

Bring in a trap (cover with a towel to calm the cat) by 10 am.

(Do not trap a cat until you call ahead for an available appointment)

Additional Wellness Services

(Pets must be spayed/neutered to receive services)

Rabies $20 with other service or $27 Rabies only

Canine Distemper/Parvo, Bordetella, Feline Distemper Vaccinations: $20 each

Feline Leukemia Vaccination - $20

4dx Heartworm Test  - $40

FeLV/FIV Test for Cats 

Ear Mite Treatment


Flea, tick, and heartworm preventative singles and packs are available

The quickest way to get an appointment or a medication refill is to call and leave a message.  Please don't leave multiple messages.  Reception staff answer voice mail messages multiple times during the day.  Our phone lines stay busy all day so it is difficult to to reach someone. We will get back to you.  Thank you!

Clinic Hours

Monday - Thursday:  7:45 AM - 5:30 PM for Spay/Neuter & Wellness

Closed Friday - Sunday

Please call us at (540) 489 - 3491 to make an appointment.  ​

Photo of the outside of a door with a sign above it reading "Planned Pethood Clinic"
Photo of a gray and white cat
Photo of a dog running with its mouth open
Photo of a mama cat curled up with her kittens

Adoption Center Hours

Tuesday - Friday: 11:00am - 5:00pm  for dog & cat adoptions

Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm for dog & cat adoptions

Closed Sunday and Monday

Other times may be scheduled once an application

is processed & approved.​

Clinic Hours

Monday -Thursday: 7:45am-5:30pm 

Closed Friday - Sunday


Contact Us

General Questions or Donations

Adoption Center


18401 Virgil Goode Highway

Rocky Mount, VA 24151

PO Box 2118 Rocky Mount VA 24151

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